Boost Your Mobility and Strength By Learning to DEEP SQUAT

Want to boost your mobility and strength effortlessly? Incorporate a daily deep squat into your routine! This simple yet powerful position does the following: 

  1. Stretches the 3 major joints of the lower body (hips, knees, ankles) by placing them in full flexion. That means bending them as far as they will go. This keeps those joints healthy and improves your ability to walk run and everything else you use your legs for.. (that’s a lot of stuff!!)
  2. Stretches the muscles of your lower extremities including most of the muscles of your thighs, calves and feet. If you’re going to stay mobile into your old age your lower body has to stay flexible.
  3. Not only does the deep squat stretch your lower body but it also strengthens your lower body muscles and enhances overall stability which is important if you don’t ever want to utter the phrase: Help, I’ve fallen and I can’t get up!
  4. Stretches all the way up through the kinetic chain to include your glutes, lower, middle and upper back and neck. And I don’t think I have to explain how back and neck pain can make you feel old before your time.
  5. By engaging your core and trying to sit straight up instead of bending forward, this position also strengthens your core and aids in digestion.
  6. Rumor has it that this is also a great position for Prenatal Yoga. And No, I’m not pregnant!

You should aim to hold the deep squat position for at least 30 seconds to 1 minute each day, gradually increasing the duration to 10 minutes or more as you become more comfortable. 

To reap all of these benefits consistency is key! Start squatting today and feel the difference in your body and movement. 



PS. If you can’t get into a deep squat and want to learn more about working your way into this position, let me know in the comments.