Category: Mental Toughness & Motivation

Getting OLD is not the problem

OLD is just a running count of how long you’ve been able to hang in there. In fact, there’s only one alternative to getting old – and it’s not a good one. You either get old or you die. And we all have friends or loved ones who didn’t get to enjoy the PRIVELIDGE of getting older. The problem lies in what you allow the passing years to connect getting older

September 13, 2057! That’s the day I turn 100, and I plan on making it!

If you’ve ever wondered what it takes to live to 100—not just existing, but thriving—Dr. Walter M. Bortz lays it all out in his groundbreaking book, Dare to be 100. This isn’t just a book; it’s a blueprint for longevity, perfectly aligned with my Proactive Aging Blueprint philosophy.

Struggling to Form New Habits? Here’s a Solution.

Struggling to make exercise stick? You’re not alone. Most people know they should be working out but find it tough to keep the habit going. That’s where Atomic Habits by James Clear comes in. I loved how this book breaks down how to create small, sustainable changes that eventually turn into big results.

The Pittsburgh Steelers Inspire me in an Unusual Way

Growing up in Erie, PA, I started life as a Cleveland Browns fan because that was my stepdad’s team and Sunday football was one of the first areas where he and I connected. But in the early 70s, as the Browns started becoming perennial losers and the Steelers started winning, my loyalties began to shift culminating with the Steelers’ first Super Bowl win in January of 1975… my senior year in high school.

How My Fitness Journey Began

There I was on my hands and knees with my face literally in a ditch, puking up everything I had ever eaten in life! And all I had done was try to run just one measly mile!

At that moment, a voice in my head said, “My god! You’re not even 20 yet. What are you gonna feel like when you’re 60?” It was a voice that changed my life.