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Welcome to “Roll Away the Years: A Guide to Foam Rolling as You Age” – your go-to resource for regaining the strength, mobility, and vitality of your youth without risking injury. If you’re tired of feeling stiff, achy, and limited in your movements, then you’ve come to the right place.
I use foam rolling techniques to help with general tightness and to alleviate aches and pains in all of my joints and muscles. Regular foam rolling can also help you avoid surgeries and aid in prehab in preparation for surgery or to expedite recovery after surgery.
Even if you’ve been immobile, stiff or experiencing joint or muscle pain for years or you’ve been told you need surgery. Foam rolling could be the answer to your problems. And if you suffer from osteoarthritis, foam rolling could prove to be the magic bullet you’re looking for to help manage your pain.
In this e-book, we’ll dive into the world of foam rolling –
a simple yet powerful tool that can help you banish stiffness, improve flexibility, and prevent injuries as you age. So, grab your foam roller and let’s roll!