Foam Roll For Knee Pain

Your knees don’t have to hurt if you understand that your knees aren’t the problem. It’s the muscles attached to your knees and a foam roller that might offer you a solution. If your knees hurt going up and down stairs, standing for long periods, during your workouts, or while playing your favorite sport – THIS is your solution!

Use a FOAM ROLLER to relieve tension in the muscles ATTACHED to your knees and you could stop your knee pain dead in its tracks. BUT WARNING: When your muscles are tight, foam rolling is going to be uncomfortable. That discomfort is a sign that you might have uncovered the problem.

The good news is… the more you roll the less uncomfortable it becomes – and the less likely it is you’ll need surgery. This a case where the cure for the pain is the pain! So here are the muscles you should roll:

#1. Your Quadriceps: That’s along the front of the thighs all the way from the knee to the hip.

#2. Your IT Band: That’s along the OUTSIDE of your thigh, again all the way from the knee to the hip.

#3. Your Hamstrings: That’s along the BACK of your thigh, and yep, you guessed it, all the way from the back of the knee to the crease between your thigh and your butt.

#4. Your Adductors: That’s along the INSIDE of your thigh and you want to roll all the way from your knee to as deep as you can go into your groin area.

Tightness on all 4 sides of your thighs can contribute to knee pain because all of the big muscles in the thigh are CONNECTED to your knee. BUT WAIT… there’s one more!…

#5. Foam Roll Your CALVES: Yep. The muscles in your lower leg are attached to your knee too, so they just might be the source of the problem. Make sure you roll all the way from the back of the knee down to the heel of your foot.

Work on foam rolling these 5 areas DAILY for a couple of weeks and watch the results!

Wanna know more about foam rolling to relieve your body aches and pains? Download a free copy of my Intro to Foam Rolling e-book.

Let’s roll, baby! PEACE.

PS. If you don’t already have a foam roller, grab one here.