Getting OLD is not the problem

OLD is just a running count of how long you’ve been able to hang in there. In fact, there’s only one alternative to getting old – and it’s not a good one. You either get old or you die. And we all have friends or loved ones who didn’t get to enjoy the PRIVELIDGE of getting older. The problem lies in what you allow the passing years to connect getting older… LIKE:

Old and MISERABLE – that SUCKS! Old and FRAIL – that SUCKS! Old and WEAK – that SUCKS! Old and FRAGILE… Old and UNSTABLE… Old and SICK… Old and in CONSTANT PAIN… Old and GRUMPY… Old and IMMOBILE… ALL OF THAT SUCKS!!

By the way… if you’re: Young and MISERABLE… Young and FRAIL… Young and WEAK… Young and FRAGILE… Young and UNSTABLE… Young and SICK… Young and in CONSTANT PAIN… Young and GRUMPY… Young and IMMOBILE… That pretty much sucks too!

And yes, all of these may happen to you as the years go by, but they have such a devastating effect for only one reason because you’re old and LAZY and you LET them happen – it’s called REACTIVE AGING and THAT SUCKS!

I can’t stop the hands of time so you are going to get old. But I can give… MISERABLE, FRAIL, WEAK, FRAGILE, UNSTABLE, SICK, CONSTANT PAIN, GRUMPY and IMMOBILE a run for their money… ‘cause my ass ain’t LAZY and I love being old.


