I Don’t Care What Your BMI Is

I Don’t Care What Your BMI Is… and why anybody would use that number as a measurement to evaluate ANYTHING I can’t understand! Let me tell you why it’s so useless… all BMI – or body mass index – is is a ratio of height to weight.

What that means is that a guy with a body type like John Goodman, who’s 6 foot 2 and 250 lbs… And another guy with a body type like Arnold Schwarzenegger, who’s ALSO 6 foot 2 and 250 lbs… Would have the same BMI… I’ll give you a minute to think about that…

But at the same height and weight, what makes the difference is that Arnold’s body type carries about 10% body fat… and Goodman’s body type is closer to 45% body fat. That’s less than 25 pounds of fat vs more than 110 pounds of fat and they’re the SAME BMI.

What really matters is how much FAT you have on your ass! Measure that with a body fat scale! Keep it under 25% champion!

