Lift Weights to Lose Weight

If you want to get skinny – stop doing all that damn cardio and pick up some weights! That’s right – you need to lift weights to lose weight! You should know that a body with more muscle burns more calories. Want to burn up to 50,000 more calories per year while sitting on your ever-shrinking butt? LIFT WEIGHTS!!!

Because muscle burns calories while you’re doing absolutely nothing – while fat just sits there! On top of that, when you lift weights your body continues to work to rebuild itself even AFTER you stop lifting… And that recovery work keeps burning calories for up to 24 hours – Cardio just doesn’t do that.

And LADIES – NO, you’re not going to get bulky. But your muscles will become more dense – and that dense muscle will look lean. Fat, however, is not dense – it’s FLUFFY and it looks…well… FAT. For guys who want to add some bulk – there are specific rep, set and nutrition combinations that will help you do just that.

So, whether you want to lean out or bulk up – a good trainer can show you how. Now get off that treadmill and get on that weight bench! Follow me for more value. Reach out to me for a custom training program.

