See video at the bottom of this page

Mastering the Art of Celebration and Clean Eating

This is my game-changing strategy for maintaining your clean eating goals during holidays and special occasions. We all know that holidays and special events can throw a curveball at our nutritional regimen, but I’ve got a plan to keep the celebrations alive without compromising your fitness journey.

I’ve decided to schedule each holiday and celebration as a planned day off from clean eating (aka NUTRICIOUS DAYS). I don’t like the term ‘cheat days’ (cheating is something you get sent to the principal’s office for!), so I refer to them as DELICIOUS DAYS! This way, I can indulge in all the delicious-first foods without being a demanding guest at gatherings or associating something bad with the foods I enjoy.

Grab your calendar and join me in scheduling DELICIOUS DAYS like: those Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Juneteenth and Labor Day cookouts; Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners; and special occasions like birthdays, anniversaries, Super Bowl parties and more.

Check out the video for details on how many of these DELICIOUS DAYS you can schedule and still stay the course. You’ll be able to enjoy the celebrations, relish the special meals, and still dominate our fitness goals.

Clean eating can coexist with festive moments, making the journey worth it. Cheers to finding a sustainable balance!

