Stop Waiting on Motivation!

Stop comin’ at me with that crap about not being motivated! I ain’t tryna hear that! Depending on motivation to do your workouts is like trusting a politician’s promises… Please… do not hold your breath waiting on that shit to happen!

MOTIVATION… even at it’s best, is pretty damn fickle. One day it’s got you… the next day it kicks you to the curb! Instead of MOTIVATION, you’ve got to turn your mindset to COMMITMENT and DEDICATION.

When you make a COMMITMENT you make an unwavering promise to yourself. You make a conscious decision to prioritize your fitness goals every single day… whether you feel motivated or not… and regardless of the obstacles. DAMN THE TORPEDOES – FULL STEAM AHEAD! You stay loyal and you put in the work, even when you’re not “MOTIVATED!”.

DEDICATION is the passion you bring to that commitment. It’s the enthusiasm, the effort, and the “heart” you put into your workouts… because you care about feeling better and reaching your health goals.

So stop trying to get motivated! Get committed and dedicated to the process! It’ll transform your actions and your life! Hmmm… now that I think about it, motivation probably IS more reliable than politicians…

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