If you’ve been told to “take it easy” because you have arthritis, I’m here to tell you that’s bullsh*t advice. Strength training isn’t just safe when you have arthritis — it’s one of the best things you can do to fight it. And I don’t just say that as a trainer — I say that as someone living with arthritis in both shoulders, my left knee, and as someone who had my right hip replaced due to osteoarthritis.
Tag: hip replacement recovery
My Bionic (ok, Titanium) Hip – We Can Rebuild Him
I dodged the surgery for three years, enduring the pain like a stubborn warrior. Mostly because I made the big mistake of researching hip replacement surgery like I do everything. Once I found out that they basically rip your leg off, hollow out your hip socket and glue a new socket in, hack off the top of your thigh bone and drive a 6-8 inch spike with the end of a curtain rod down into that thigh, then attach it together to make a new ball and socket joint, I opted for the ZERO!!