Think you’re losing muscle because you’re getting older? Nah, you’re just not eating right! Today, I’m going to give you the top three things you need to eat to retain muscle as you age. Spoiler alert: It’s all about the protein, baby!
Tag: video
No Diets, Meal Plans or Macro Counting – 6 Strategies
This is my EXACT STRATEGY for eating healthy without special diets, meal plans or the dreaded counting macros!
Build Badass Strength with Resistance Bands
Ready to switch things up and build serious strength WITHOUT the risk of injury? I’ve got just the thing for you today – resistance bands! Trust me, these might look simple, but they pack a serious punch! Let’s dive in!
There’s No Such Thing as Toning Up!
No matter how much you want it to… fat doesn’t get toned. It just sits there and jiggles… all fat and lazy. When you’re sitting on the couch eating ice cream… it’s just soaking it all in. Muscle, on the other hand, is burning calories even when you’re sleeping! It’s never lazy… It’s strong, it’s defined… and HEY, it’s downright sexy!
Put the Fork Down and Back Away Slowly!
You’ve got to know when to stop eating…It’s called portion control… and YES! This is one of those cases where even if you’re eating the RIGHT thing. “Too much of a good thing” can sabotage your best healthy eating habits.
Over 50? Stop making these 5 exercise mistakes
Avoid these 1, 2, 3, 4, five mistakes, and you’ll live a longer healthier life without turning into a gym casualty. So c’mon, let’s get started but let’s do this, the smart way! Age may just be a number… but you don’t want to be a statistic.
I Don’t Care What Your BMI Is
I Don’t Care What Your BMI Is… and why anybody would use that number as a measurement to evaluate ANYTHING I can’t understand! Let me tell you why it’s so useless… all BMI – or body mass index – is is a ratio of height to weight.
Protein Does a Body Good
Getting old ain’t for sissies so you need to muscle up!!. To do that you’re gonna need to pump up your protein, and here’s why.
We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Gym!!
Guess what? You don’t need a fancy gym to get fit and stay young!
You just need these FIVE essentials for your home workout space!
Lift Weights to Lose Weight
If you want to get skinny – stop doing all that damn cardio and pick up some weights! That’s right – you need to lift weights to lose weight! You should know that a body with more muscle burns more calories. Want to burn up to 50,000 more calories per year while sitting on your ever-shrinking butt? LIFT WEIGHTS!!!