The Top 3 Items for Your Starter Home Gym

Here are my top 3 must-have tools if you want to start moving better and feeling younger.

#1 – A YOGA MAT – If you wanna move better you you need to get down on the floor and do some stretching. Get yourself a good THICK Yoga mat – especially if you have hardwood floors. It’ll give you a comfy surface for your stretching and exercises, and help prevent any slips and falls.

#2 – A FOAM ROLLER – Yep. I’ll say it again… a foam roller is the ULTIMATE recovery tool for getting rid of muscle stiffness. Foam rolling will release muscle tension, improve flexibility, and speed up your recovery after working out. If you don’t know about foam rolling – google it – search it on YouTube – or you can message me or drop the comment FOAM ROLLER below – and I’ll send you a free copy of my e-book to get you going.

#3 – RESISTANCE BANDS – Yes, strength work increases your flexibility and mobility and resistance bands can be just as effective as lifting heavy weights when it comes to strength training. They’re super affordable and portable – and come in varying resistance levels to match your strength training needs.

These are the 3 items in my starter kit for your home gym. Stay loose and FOLLOW ME for more value and don’t forget to comment FOAM ROLLER to get a free copy of my e-book.

