Tag: video

Getting OLD is not the problem

OLD is just a running count of how long you’ve been able to hang in there. In fact, there’s only one alternative to getting old – and it’s not a good one. You either get old or you die. And we all have friends or loved ones who didn’t get to enjoy the PRIVELIDGE of getting older. The problem lies in what you allow the passing years to connect getting older

Excess Belly Fat is Killing Your Groove

Why isn’t anyone talking about what your excess belly fat is doing to kill your groove? OK… let’s talk about the elephant in the room (pardon the pun!) – It’s that stubborn belly fat that’s been hanging around like an unwanted guest at your 70s funk party! You need to kick that belly fat to the curb to reclaim your strength, energy, and confidence – and here’s why… #1. Belly Fat is The Silent Poison […]